Tuesday, March 15, 2011


A true story One day a son asks his father: "Daddy, will you run the marathon with me?" The father answers yes and both run their first marathon together. One day, the son asks his father if he wants to run the marathon with him again and the father answers yes. They both run the marathon together again. Then one day the son asks his father: "Daddy, will you run the Ironman with me?" (the Ironman is the toughest...it requires a 4km swim, 180km biking and 42km running). The father says yes again. 

Honestly don't know where all these soft videos come from lately, but what to do. This is amazing. Almost wept in front of my computer. Almost.


M said...

I wept.. Ok, honest, first 10 seconds I thought it was cheesy with the music and all. Then I wept for 4 minutes.

christian said...

haha i know. i was very hesitant at first. but when he crossed that finish line... oh man.