Sunday, May 31, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Redneck Fail

Dunk Fail

Dog Walking Fail

"You have to lean back, cause if you lean forward you immediately start tumbling"

Thanks LUDDE, my one true reader. Also kick back and relax and listen to tactics etc.

So cool

Real comment about a certain brand regarding their advertising (so finally – adverts does make people buy stuff!)

Bryan Hadley (Sarasota, FL) wrote on September 13, 2008 at 1:04am

Has anyone else noticed how much more popular the XXX was when the actually had creative interesting ads? You never see commercials anymore. Those t.v. commercials always made me feel so compelled to go in to the store much more often. Magazine ad's just don't do it for me. XXX needs to get its groove back.

Erik’s in town (yieeiy)

When I got to Pastis, Oskar, Calle and newly arrived Erik were just getting ready to go. Jump in a cab and onto Sigiri, a Sri Lankan place that didn’t have a table for us for about 30-40 minutes. Fair enough we said and entered the nearly located pub and drank beers until Patrik was kind enough to join us and they presented “the best table in the joint”. Very nice food and despite Erik tried his best to shine and converse with the staff in their native language they politely responded in English. Hence it was another BYOB (great concept btw) Patrik ran off and bought Sri Lankan beer, Lion, to us and Amstel Light to himself. Lion was a bold 9% alcohol and the taste didn’t try to hide it. Over on and to Nowa (?) some members club place that felt very New York. Calle told us about dating Russian models during his modeling days and I decided what to do in case advertising fails. Over to another place I can’t remember the name of until we embarked 1Oak. This is my favorite place in New York. The girls are so stunning that I completely freeze and don’t manage to talk to anyone consequently only spending time in the bar (another great concept) and later on cab ride home and an unbelievably difficult morning to wake up to. Luckily it is Friday. All day.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling


Hats off

Best team won. And we have to admit that Pep had a pretty decent first season as head coach. First time ever a Spanish team won the triple. Done in a club that is “more than a football club”, with all that expectations and pressure that ensues the responsibility of this is just awesome. He had a decent team as well, but no one has looked as sharp on the sidelines as Senor Guardiola, not even Mourinho. Funny how Barcelona lost the first game of the season at home on Nou Camp and don’t think too many people expected this then.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Never seen a URL used like this before

THIS is where you click for awesomeness.

Moi caught on tape doing my morning routine/acrobatics


I really wanted this to look/be better than what it seems like. Pliis prove me wrong.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hands off fool!

Rio just sent me this link and instant memories from a remote past comes flying. The A-Team remembered how much I loved them and related the most with Murdoch, despite Face was obviously prettier. Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend, Back To The Future, Knight Rider, He-Man, you name it they got a sticker from it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Amazing weekend

Friday. The weekend opened with the possibility to leave work at three and reality of five. Still, a few hours sooner than usually, so I did some shopping. Discovered I have a crush on American Apparel and embraced that by buying too many shirts I don’t need plus a pair of suspenders I surely won’t use. Got home and played music and laughed with two thirds of my roomies and later off to Tortilla Flats and met up with the Thofte brothers, Hampus and Rasmus, Fred and a greek guy I can’t remember the name of and too much sangria before karaoke almost ended the evening.

Saturday. I courageously walked from Williamsburg to Manhattan, and even managed to find my way (yes, very New York), to meet Chris, Hampus + brother, Rasmus for a beer and then home early. Chris left the minute I arrived and would like to say that we bonded well, and I remained with the brothers and joined them for dinner at BYOB. Yes happy people, bring your own booze, very New York-feel and a lot of other people including Rasmus’ old high school sweetheart, Nathalie who surprisingly was there too. Then Sing Sing. Yes party people, karaoke. Sara + boyfriend and many more joined too. It was unbelievable. Haven’t sung that much since Shanghai and dinät want the night to ever end. Sadly, it did though. Here are photos from Nathalie's blog from there.

Sunday was all planned to be dedicated to my newly bought Yankees ice cream but ended with us throwing a huge good bye dinner at our place for the lovely Swedish girls who left today. That evening included models, which is always/everything a party/dinner should consist of. I can hint we ate little or no carbohydrates and the dish is known as, salad.

Monday. Memorial day = no work. Hurra! Went to the pier by the Hudson and had picnic with Jon, his lovely wife Miranda and Demelza and Erik and Corinna joined later on. Jon had a lovely new tattoo all across his chest with the immortal words, "Everything is shit, except you love". Many gay men in Speedos jumping around and a "tan" that goes beyond comparison of how you want to look completed a perfect weekend and dinner and The Hills are about to finish it right now.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday mood-summary



Tsunami of that Friday-feling just arrived. This helped. (don't ask me why I'm listening to weird Euro-techno - but let's all admit ti - it's contagious and our bodies want to move so allow them). I love days like this. No plan what to do, no clue who is up for it and really don’t care. Not it does matter; I just don’t give a damn. Tonight will be awesome and you should come too.

Who knows, maybe you have a good 45 minutes to spare and wanna spend them online listening to storytelling

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sherlock Holmes a'la Bond

Second tour

Quickly became conscious I was going through Failblog from start again as I realized I’d seen a lot of the stuff and the page view indicated low numbers again. In case I’ve missed anything. Remember I scrolled through really fast on the first couple of pages in the beginning so this is all another chance to grasp it all. Better safe than fail.

Trembling behind

Noticed a lack of Americanization in my adaptation to American life. Where I so courageously led my troops up the stairs from the subway and was sole responsible of opening the gateway to freedom via the emergency exit-door I have now hesitated. Twice. I’ve used the regular exit. And yesterday on my way to work I met a guy riding his bike towards the traffic (very NYC) and he stopped and asked me for directions to get to the 6th Street. I thought he meant the 6th Avenue cause that was just a few blocks or less from where we were, but without thinking further, I mumbled, “sorry mate, no clue”. But I probably did have a clue and I’m pretty sure he was heading the wrong way.

234 pages wasn’t “to infinity and beyond”

Successfully covered the entire Failblog from cover to cover, or first post to last post as we say in the online universe. We had some magic moments together and we sure laughed a lot. Especially during that funny clip you know? Yeaa…those were the good times. But since you lied to me and said it would last forever and ever “infinity and beyond” I’m gonna seriously start doubting everything on the world wide web from now on. I bet you even saw other people during. Whore.

"O MY GOD" Best man fail

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bagpipe update

O failed to mention the fun part of the hilarious bagpipe escapades. AK said it would be Paul's new nickname and we all laughed. But it was only until now that I grasped the fun part of it, I mean the actual fun part of it. As it refers to both sack and the kangaroo's pocket it fits Paul from Aussie-land perfectly. Phew. Glad we got that sorted.

Hunting fail

Poor Dif (+Tauer)

Doesn't he sound exactly like Alejandro Fuentes Bergstrom?

Bagpipe vs. Pung

Sat around the kitchen table, eating Italian food and discussing Scotland and therefore – obviously – bagpipes. Rio said it was called something else, something that was hard to translate from Portuguese to English, but it involved fancy words that meant something majestic and pomposity.

I told them that it’s almost exactly the same if you translate bagpipe from Swedish, except you could say sackpipe instead and make it more similar to the Swedish word, “säckpipa”. AK started chuckle and said that "säckipa" sounded like something involving pipe/cock and the actual sack containing the balls. We all laughed.

I then taught all of them to say “pung” which is the Swedish word for sack, only it doesn’t mean anything else than the actual sack of balls. Unless you refer to the kangaroo of course, who carries the kids in her pocket (Swedish word: pung) but she's a woman and could impossibly have a "pung" in the right sense. We laughed quite a lot and now that I’ve shared* this with you I hope you can continue your daily life again feeling perhaps slightly more informed about linguistics and kangaroos.


Smirking sun

Nothing better than a smirking sun. Well, one thing. Nothing better than spending the day outside when the sun is smirking. Ok, two things actually. Nothing better than spending the day outdoors, in a park perhaps, sipping on some cold, very cold beer and a bottle of rosé wine when the sun is smirking. Lucky number three. Nothing better than spending the day outside, sipping on some ice-cold beer and sharing a bottle of rosé wine in the companionship of your friends when the sun is smirking (don’t want to be perceived as the lonesome raging alcoholic here, o no thanks).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What a great friend

Will probably not get the full attention or acknowledge I deserve tonight, but fuck it. I’ve been an amazing friend. Roomie wanted to have his date over and make dinner and a watch film with her* and I agreed to stay away. Didn’t really have anything planned and been awfully tired today so I’ve been quite bored. But I’ve waited. Kept my distance. For the sake of bromance. And… that’s about it. No point. Story going nowhere and if I’ve kept you all the way here I should probably reward you in some way and here you go: I thought about watching Star Trek, even Googled for cinema; narrowed it down to Lower West and checked on the map and which subway system I should use to get there. But then I decided not to go.

*A whole heap of sex

I don't know what's wrong with me...

NYC Subway timeline from 1905-2006

This is pretty darn cool actually.

Double trouble?

I seriously can't get enough of this. Sometimes it's overwhelming and I feel like I should take a break and go away and laugh or something. But I restrain myself and persistently remain in my seat and watch one more and then one more.

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

"Patience wins"

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Funny as hell. Like hell you hear!

Praise to those who praise should have

"Helmet fail"

CLICK to get to the origin of

..and another one!


I just made my own!



Charged my iPod yesterday. And worth noting here is that it has been messing with me for a while now. Doesn’t want to charge, or charges but doesn’t pop up on my desktop/iTunes so I can manage playlists etc. Very annoying. But this time it killed me. Or surrendered on me. Realized it was on its dying phase with only a glimpse of red in the battery icon. Didn’t have time to recharge it and decided it was a glitch, a malfunction from my eyes. Of course it wasn’t unloaded yet. Two songs later it proved me wrong and I had to wear those stupid headphones for the entire run on my ears and not hanging down your neck (you don’t want to look like fool with headphones hanging down your neck and meeting judging stares that whispers, “I can’t believe he’s running with an iPod but isn’t listening to it, must be a retard”, so I didn’t). Scheiße zing.

O how so beyond charming!

I want one. As a tiny clock clock radio. Setting the alarm every morning might take some time but it sure looks worth it. Here's another one; timeless design. But that was too obvious. Did you get the first one or do you need more time? Nah, the clock is way too much for these kind of silly jokes. Time for bed.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Best site in history of time just got BETTER

CLICK for this ones happier cousin.

Something I liked about this, not sure what (cause I'm not a raging hip hoper)

Battlestar from sixty40 on Vimeo.

Thanks Alex.

...little fucker beat me

20-question breakdown

This little fella will guess who’s on your mind within 20 questions. Before I plotted my evil scheme to break him I decided to go for something simple. Di Caprio. Question 5 from Akinator: “Did your character star in Titanic?”. Doh!

Macaroni & Cheese & Noodles & Chicken & Beef & another piece of chicken & Eggplant

Went to the nicer deli today for lunch. The one that doesn’t have a red-bearded Indian making your sandwich but compensates it with a broader selection of goodies for you to chose from. I still felt, or at least persuaded myself to feel, slightly hung-over so I went for the topic above. All at once and all for me. The funny thing is it didn’t taste so well. Not good at all to be brutally honest, but then I’m very much brutal. So now. Overstuffed with food that wasn’t really all that. Ooook. How’s your Monday pulling along?

Knew there was a way to tell!



My new record of online friends on Facebook was just exposed. It was only for a moment, but I swear I saw it. First it was around 40 and I felt blessed to have so many tech-savvy friends. Then the number quickly ascended to around 50 and I was speechless. So the first question that pops up is: are we getting less and less to do during work hours or is Facebook really that essential to our work? Perhaps it’s all about connecting, staying updated and kept in the loop. O dear lord, imagine being kept outside the loop. The horror. Now, only a few decisions away from what to wear for the rest of the day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Coke / no coke

Went to Billy’s with Joakim today and bought food (I just made a deliciously superb Bolognese, “good Christian, really good”). But. Then I wanted some diet coke, or no here’s the thing, I didn’t want it. But thought I might want it later. Realized that the best way to reduce your diet coke consumption is by not buying any and therefore put a full stop to the fabricated sugariness that promises sweet, sweet promises but will surely fail you (and your teeth in the long run). And now. Reluctant of admitting my own mistake of not buying the damn can I can at least say that it’s good that I’m not drinking any (and therefore extending my teeth-health with a few hours).

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I love genius' websites

This along with Lamebook is one. A genius website that is.

Nothing better than a pussy on a Saturday

This pussy is particularly great. Thanks Jon. CLICK

I like to dance all night, summons the day

So Friday arrived with all its immense glory and Victor and Tessan too. It felt almost better that I didn’t know they were in town as I was in between decisions of where I was going to get drunk at.

A cab ride later I met them at Brazil Brazil and it was instantly obvious that Guidebooks aren’t always your most trustworthy tool in this world. Remembered Schiller’s from last weekend’s escapades with Fab & Ida and hauled another cab and had another fantastic dinner there. Voted for 1Oak but ended up meeting Oskar + friends at Bowery hotel. Good too, though they were obscenely drunk than us and translations were needed in order to have a conversation with them. Rose bar and vegetarian Indian food finished off the night.

Woke up with a slightly over-excited* Oskar phoning and wanted to do something and I obviously hung up the phone and tried to get some more sleep but failed. Granola and milk and a decent amount of football, celebrating United’s title for example (yieeiy) I am now back on my feet and look forward another juvenile night in New York.

*still drunk

Friday, May 15, 2009

"I'm also gorgeous, and I'm a man"

"Lego + Dreaming + Hurrah!"

I liked this. Makes me wanna type "meaning of life" and demand answer.

This was actually pretty funny/good

“Wise decisions young man”

The two mouths coolly blurred out praise mixed with laughter for the young man’s quick, not yet thought-through decision of wearing a light grey tee on his way to work on this blistering hot day in New York. They didn’t even reflect on giving a comment on the leather jacket he also wore nor the hat he constantly wears on his head. Arriving to work tears were filling their amused eyes; they simply couldn’t believe how foolish a man can be. Especially if you know you have one degree up away from sweat. Neither could he. But he ignored the two mouths and kept on walking, determined to make it. One more step is one more step closer to AC and shut door. Aah that brisk sterile sweet fabricated cold air.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Someone has to be last

Just discovered Linkedin and though I’m probably the last person on earth it’s better than being the last person on earth not being there. It seems pretty cool, up-to-date, very hip and we all want to be a hipster, but most of all serious. You don’t mess around and poke people here or add senior level positioned people and start to follow them. No, mam. We do things hipster style here. Nah. More proper style I guess. Yup. Proper is better. Right now I’m eating salted pistachios I just bought on the deli. They're really, really good. Recommended.

Google + moi = <3


- Lorenzo Lamas anyone?! Wow.


Football retro porn

No, not referring to their outfits, although I see where you're coming from.

I love women, I take that as a compliment

A walk through time

More of the good stuff HERE. Thank you my dearest* reader.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

“Big epic hockey night”

Invited Rogerio, or Rio as he's also known as, to come home and watch the awesome hockey game between rivals Washington Capitals and Pittsburgh Penguins. During the whole train ride I kept talking about the coolness of both hockey in general but also this game in particular. Game seven and final match of the season for one of the teams. Who would surpass beyond immortality and lead his troops to the next round; Ovechkin or Crosby, assistant captain vs. captain, ugly monster vs. pretty-boy, Russian foe vs. American hero.

As I got Rio all pumped up he told me he didn’t know the rules that well, cause hockey isn’t so big in Brazil. “BAH!” I said and explained that it’s really not that different from football except when players make contact they don’t act like they’ve been brutally tortured. And they contact a lot. So we hurried home just in time to have missed the first period and a three goals-nothing lead by the Penguins. Fair enough, plenty of time to change this and create some of the celebrated tense and utter edge these matches had produced over the series.

Another two consecutive goals later and the Penguins' were up 5-0. I mutely called it a quit but smiled to express good spirit to my guest. I even started telling stories about the immense game between Sweden and antichrist Finland, down 5-0 but victoriously returned with a 6-5 triumph. Describing "icing" (see it as offside), "subs" (as many and as often as you want - throughout the entire game´- yes) and "tackling" (allowed but don't overdo it) was a little bit harder I think. Rio, who is a picture of politeness, kindly nodded his head from time to time but could impossibly be infatuated by the game. Or my anecdotes.

The game ended 6-2 and both of the team's stars each scored a goal but it was captain America gliding off the ice with a smirk reaching his helmet’s edges. Afterwards we went and ate burritos and I’m only assuming that was it of Rio’s hockey experience.

Hans for pres

Not his best speech, or performance - but for keeping a consistent high level. Hurrah! for Hans.

Luxury when people just comp things together and you, without any sign of hesitancy, just grab it by the nuts

Finally the edible anus has arrived


One-way right direction, two ways wrong

During the triumphant morning runs over the Williamsburg Bridge the walk-path is remotely retarded. Usually you walk on the right hand side of the road (unless you’re in London, but that’s so retarded we shouldn’t even dwell into that) and people you meet walk on your left side.

Here, on the mayhem side of the world, things are slightly different. Moving forward, as a walker, you walk on the left side of the road and bikes on the right. Meaning you face bikes heading your direction all the time (slightly scary since a bridge tends to tilt downhill on one side, and Wburg is no exception, and bikes move fast).

This is all very clear if you look on the pavement though, the visual silhouette of “person walking forward ” is on the left hand side and “bike going forward” is on the right, and though I can admit it, I had trouble with this in the beginning. Left/right/left/right… GHA. The pressure was immense but after a few tours you get a hang of it. The bridge is also divided into two different walk paths, one on each side of the road. The right one, the one I use is bigger, I call it the main one and is now shut down for maintenance of some kind = everyone uses the left side, the smaller, more narrow side and, beware now, the one without the same signing on the pavement as the main one.

This is all extremely confusing. For everyone, very much including me. Some, like moi, tend to follow the instructions we’ve learnt from the main one; and walk on the left while some who’s blindfoldingly reading the visuals on the streets too literally is using the right hand side. And if I used the word mayhem before allow me to recycle it here instead, cause its all-complete ballistic mayhem. And on this even slimmer path things will turn messy. Maybe bloodbath.

So. I guess that was it. Another anecdote from New York without a purpose. Carry on, as you were now.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Awkward family photos

Are best viewed here.

Two bad things thus far

Struggling, really pushing known limits of what and how much you can force yourself to find wrongs in something flawless. I managed to find two. Here in New York I tend to eat way too much sandwiches. They are everywhere. Even places that don’t serve food at least have sandwiches.

First I thought it was nice, I kinda like having a good sandwich one in a while, and heck; I even enjoyed the Chicken Cutlet Sandwich on the greasy Deli on my first venture there. Now the thought of soaked dough, overstuffed with manufactured goodies is making me half-noxious. We haven’t broken up; we’re just on a break.

I have actually found my new fav-place: the noisy Vietnamese close to the Hudson. Noodles from a different planet and it’s not half as greasy as your regular Chinese. I even imagine it’s healthy.

The second thing I didn’t like, I forgot while typing. Two flaws in my other very flawless life: poor memory and the other one I forgot.

Different machine

Don’t really know why the espresso machine is different here. It’s the same mechanism as home – only improved – or at least that’s what you think when using it for the first time.

It works so much faster than the old one (i.e. the one I used in Sweden) and it feels magnificent. Before you had to wait and just watch the coffee being compressed and squeezed out in your cup. And wait. Then when you waited some more. Finally you cold turn on the steam and create magic foamy foam (after you waited some more of course to get the steam heated up and ready to roll).

Here, the steam is instantly ready. Or no, wait, it’s not. It says it is. But it heats/warms up while foaming. Obnoxiously annoying, yes I know.

Lovely design touch

This is a 100% real-life Simpsons-Nelson moment

Monday, May 11, 2009

Best use of social media – The Pirate Party in Sweden

Can’t believe it’s anything but a very smart recruitment and collection of votes for the impending election. If you have an extra hour (there’ a lot of comments…) I guarantee you’re in for a treat. First part is definitely better than the last, where arguments and what could have been an interesting debate has transformed into a witch-hunt. But never have so many different opinions from a vast variety of origins come together with one single opinion: politicians have no clue and the Pirate Party do. Kudos.

Gorgeous LED Throwies

Kudos to JT + mom

Sunday, May 10, 2009

“Good decision, Christian!”

Not entirely content with my weekend although it was a great one. Started Friday. Roof-party at our lovely neighborhood girls a few houses down. Managed to time a very closed nightclub and an incredible wet and unexpected rain-shower.

Saturday. Woke up and did shopping (sooo close to buy the famous $30 tees at Marc Jacobs, ended up spendnig $650 for cloth I don't need instead) the entire day with Fab, Ida and her husband Fredrik, who seemed to have a funny accent and I felt compelled to ask Fab the minute we were out of audio-sight from the lovebirds where it was from. “Finland” he replied and I said, “aaah”. I am literally numb against dialects and can have trouble distinction Skåne from Göteborg (see it as farmer/hillbilly vs. obnoxious yelling-wannabe-posh) and suddenly we sat at a Brazilian place and enjoyed a couple of Mojitos and Caprihinias on the happy hour. Wanted to go home and leave my stuff/shower and powernap. But went straight to their apartment and helped them finish their beer and champagne (they had won at an award show and were going back early, early on Sunday morning) along with Filip who were gracious enough to show up. Took a cab to Schiller’s for perfect dinner and many laughs. Lovebirds took the early train (how unexpected from a couple) and we took the bar-tour. I did my best to show-off by taking us to the only place we couldn’t get in to that evening. Fair enough, “bars are even better" I said and rescued the rest of the night. Got severely drunk, danced away and I hoped Fab would miss his flight. Failed and returned home.

Sunday. Met Jon and brunched away and walked and walked around West Village, did some more shopping (really good against your finance) and later met Barry and played ping pong at a bar. Got a very bad racket and the wrong side of the table as I lost 1-6. Humiliation following last Friday’s other humiliating experience by being brutally slashed in three straight ping pong matches against Pierre and Alex at work. So weird. It’s the only game I master including a ball. Blame it on the jetlag. Got home and realized I need to wash. Decisions to make: color or white first? Choked under pressure and went for color. Meaning. I’m still up, waiting for my white sheets to dry as they were last to be washed. Choir: doh.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

God, I love the cat

Look at his mates here. I think that this is what characterize true friendship. Showing that no matter what, it's not about taking a step back when you trail behind.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Good stuff!

"Some people say hip-hop is dead. We just do this to make sure."

Untitled from lookatthisfuckinghipster on Vimeo.

Also have to give all credit to Look at this fucking hipster, and just have to use his line for this: "Some people say hip-hop is dead. We just do this to make sure."

"- Stick to the plan!", "I can't believe he just went in"

amazing + beautiful

Best internet cat EVER

Love internet joy

My new absolutely magical webpage

And my all time favorite update, and mark that I've only spent 5 minutes on Lamebook and already this shows up: CLICK

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Anticipation knows no rewards

It started out so cute. And as it's grown beyond extension and is now only unbelievable scary I just really* hope someone knocks her down the charts. Soon.

And that is what will probably create another quasi-internet-celeb, "The-one-who-knocked-Boyle-off-the-charts!"


Two proudest moments + one that isn’t

Walked up Avenue of America heading to Bleecker Street, had the whole route memorized (straight shot) and felt secure about the direction I was heading. Usually not check streets as I pass them, but suddenly I was (was looking for the Bleecker/Av AM intersection) when suddenly this girls comes up (yes American girl), “Excuse me do you know where Spring Street is?”, asking a man with no real sense about this city, she was soon to be very, very disappointed, but before I had time to freeze and mumble something incomprehensible it just blurred out of me, “Yeah sure, two blocks down mam, no worries, you have a good day now”.

Exiting the subway each morning on Canal Street is usually done via the emergency exit door that screams very, very loud [when opened without any sign of emergency]. And yesterday I found myself being the first one up the stairs; leading the fervent herd and took the instant decision of pushing the door open instantaneously behaving like I’ve lived there since forever and escorted the flock out, not the right way, but the fastest/American way.

Just before I turn left and walk the many meters to the office there’s a Starbuck’s across the street. This is perfect to grasping the full-American way down to the very brewed coffee bean. The line is huge and the pace is relentless and yet the guys behind the desk are always super-relaxed, toying and laughing around (a little bit too much perhaps sometimes, c’mon guys) and welcome everyone with the kindest attitude. “Hey how you doing, what’s up bud, how are you today, sir,” and all they get in return from the nervous Swede is an “Oeh…eh Venti Latte please”. I’m very, very not pleased with my casual chitchat to say the least. Improvement coming up.

Playing music / attedning dinner

Following the cancellation of Wednesday nights dinner with Oskar was a verbal promise of dinner on Thursday (tnite). Then my lack of memory surfaced as I got a message.

Barry boy had tickets for Franz Ferdinand tomorrow (tnite) and the one he was going with had canceled (nice to know you’re primary choice), and asked, “if I was I interested”. I like to respond directly, prevents people not receiving a reply at all, and “Boy o boy am I, B-boy” (sounds like a hip hoper – looks nothing like it) and quickly agreed.

Now I face yet another dilemma in life. Rude either way and regardless of what I decides to do I will have guilty conscience. Phew. Decisions everywhere. Even in New York. Wonder if this means I won’t enjoy any of the options to its maximum? Doh.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Quick decision – and you got two

Venturing a supermarket here brings me back the memories of being twelve again. Fond recollections of always having too many decisions to choose from, always wanting to do everything at once and never feel quite satisfied, regardless of choice and outcome.

And it hits you that though years have passed and even your passport bares witness of this fact, you haven’t developed or progressed anything at all since. You’re still the indecisive kid who can’t make proper decisions in the candy shop; filling the bag way before reaching the end of the humongous candy-row in the candy shop. Doh!

Like when choosing flavor of Ben & Jerry’s. The immense selection they offer here is just ridiculous, creating a task so overwhelming even Marathon seems simple. Today I stood for a every long time, contemplating which one would finish my meal when it suddenly hit me that maybe it’s not such a bad thing to skip this whole ice cream ordeal. “You don’t want to look like those obese Americans you so ruthlessly demean through your Wayfare’s every morning on the subway, huh”, and quickly took two packages and added a memory note to even stop considering skipping the morning runs hereafter.

As a man who only have two rules in my none-ruled life; never complain, never regret, I guess it means I just have to carry on this kind of procedure.

Crazy feeling

Watching the Chelsea-Barcelona game in the conference room and mood is gradually going down, hopes slowly fading. The passes won’t get through; the referee verdicts aren’t in Barca’s favor (or perhaps they were – could honestly have been given a penalty or two against them there), not to mention how the area of the pitch have been a constant opponent since even before they touched British soil (Stamford Bridge’s approx 250 m2 smaller than Camp Nou, i.e. slightly less playroom for Messi and the boys). Then the red card.

All this after the immense performance against their antagonists’ from Madrid. I kept repeating the words I’ve heard all Barca player’s been saying when asked “who has impressed you the most and really reached next level, this season”, and where the obvious answer would have been “Messi”, they’ve all replied in choir “Iniesta” (even Messi).

So as I was starting to chew my lip off (honestly I did – I’ve got blood to prove it) I changed perspective and imagined that Barca would score right now instead of the repetitive misses. Big brushy smile materialized in my torn-up face and the most soothing feeling emerged. I felt so nicely calm.

You all know what happened in the 2nd overtime-minute, and I won’t ask for a “thank you” or a box of chocolate as a small token of appreciation. Perhaps a simple “wow” is best used, "Jedi-mind-tricks do work, and you must be Yoda."

Isn't nice to wake up and just glance out the window


Lightning on Friday?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One (1) minute from leaving the office and celebrate Cinco del Mayo

Just as I was getting ready to leave the boss called and needed help on a project, "done by tomorrow". So here I am. None of this so far, but still helluvalot of New York. Plus the project is super fun. So. I'm very happy.

I <3 NYC

New York 2008 from Vicente Sahuc on Vimeo.

Eye of the tiger

I had just finished Rocky III and had visible goose bum all over my skin. Never had I seen such grace and athletics glued together by immense bravery and courage. All impersonated by this tiny man.

And now, as he had beaten the contender and obvious threat to the entire US nations, Mr T, the music emerged. Oh dear lord. Still to this date my biggest music influential moment when Survivor hit those cords.

And here’s when my early producing/develop-skills began and ended on the same evening. I plugged in a cassette tape in my record player, placed it next to the TV and told everyone in the apartment to be absolutely quiet.

I had to redo it over-and-over again… but the sound just wouldn’t stick to it the way it was on the TV. It sounded like it was trapped in a box. I was as furious as naively persistent.

But by the time night came, my mom gently tapped me on the shoulder and said it was time for bed and that it was a new day tomorrow. Parents. Never do they fully understand or appreciate the value of literally seizing the day.

Double jumbo joy

Monday, May 4, 2009


This whole giving-up-candy doesn’t seem to work for me. I feel really good about not eating it anymore. But their no prizes in decipher what I’ve substituted it with. And yes. It tends to be a lot more ice cream that originally planned/intended/schemed for. Not obsessive much (of course it is) but more than I+beach ‘09 body wish. Managed the whole first week without any kind of substitute*. Then second week emerged from out of the blue** and stroke without redemption or consideration and before I knew it I had discovered all the new flavors from Ben&Jerry’s than you could possibly imagine existed. “…anything but” (or something similar clever) is still my main major favorite thus far, though "Battered Brownie" and immortal classic, "Banana Split" comes close. So where does it end/take us? Fudge-downhill and land on scopes of ice cream, rekindle the candy instead, or carry on and just cut down on all of it? Only time will tell. But I’m damn keen to find out. So exciting.

*Let’s all be kind, hold hands together and not count gallons of Coke Zero and cookies to this, shall we.

**Actually from Sunday.

Time sheets + Cinco del Mayo

I thought I had managed to escape the horror. And then with a simple tap on your shoulder it emerges from the hidden links of internet. "Don't forget to fill our your time reports", the kind voice says and you immediately smile and reply "of course not!" But lets be honest. Or at least allow me to be frank. There are few things I hate more than filling out these time sheets. The reflection of the work I’ve done condensed to some unsystematic digits on an online form. How am I supposed to know what I worked on last, say, Tuesday? It’s almost unethical to ask that nonetheless remember it. But that’s how it works. So I do it. Targeting to avoid total failure rather than aim to get the exact right amount of hours*.

And that’s why we’re very happy to have something coming up tomorrow that helps remove the uncomfortable thoughts on time issues and what brings us to: Cinco del Mayo. Apparently some fêted Mexican festive holiday. Heard about it a lot but never grasped it. Always felt more of a tale-word than an actual event. So how will this be celebrated? Going to a German restaurant of course. Oskar set the whole thing up and I can’t say I have much better options/suggestions, so I’ll continue to go with the flow. Hopefully they’ll have something similar to Corona so I can at least give toast in respect of Mexico.

*Anyone from work reading this - I'm lying. Ha ha. "Oh, that funny guy christian, always exaggerating a good portion when talking, amuses me every time."

He he

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A day of bewildering nothingness

3 pm
Up at the brisk of dawn.
4 pm
Went to Billy’s, Williamsburg's response to ICA and bought a lot of weird looking objects known to some as food. Cooked too much and didn’t like it.
4.36 pm
Realized I missed out on planned brunch with Jon and was gracious enough to apologize on his wall.
6 pm
Declined hang out + dinner with Oskar and have stayed at home since.
All day
Watched pieces of Stanley Cup, Wedding Crashers, Independence Day, X-Men but no football. Contemplating a lot during the day whether or not I should open the keynote for the big presentation tomorrow and am still indecisive. Internet has also been a huge part of this day and Manhattan+Williamsburg+New York continues to leave a huge impact on my constant ever-growing good mood.
Some granola and Joakim made a terrific banana split for everyone and I don’t even have the proper amount of guilty conscience about any of these things.

Move (hurrah!)

Last Friday I moved the full distance of 200 meters to my new apartment. I’m now roomie with three other Swedish guys and the apartment is silly. Absolutely ridiculous in many ways. Three floors (I live on the second) my own balcony and perhaps six more terraces/balconies all across the place. Magnificent. Was afraid it’d be too expensive and not worth it but it’s exactly the same as in Amsterdam. It is simply sooo worth paying the extra dollars in order to want to return home, and therefor feel just a little bit better. Pics will arrive soon.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


My phone has refused to pop up on my desktop since I got it. But for the very weird and equally wonderful (hurrah!) reason it just emerged this time when I charged it. Here’s from my last trip in NYC prior to now, mid-November I think:

Oskar, #1 asset here. Tomorrow we'll be drunk together.