Thursday, September 30, 2010
Now who said it couldn't be done?!
One month ago my head was clean as a baby's bottom. That's also when I realized I was going back to Sweden today for a wedding. Wedding requires a proper hairdo, so I started growing it back. The race against time began and Project Hairdo was initiated.
Day 1.
Day a bit later.
Day even later.
Day later than the other ones, and what we call the classic Mon-chi-chi hairdo.
Day when you actually, with good trust, could start imagine something taking place up there.
Aah. I remember this day. First time I actually kinda felt something about my hair.
OK. SO this pic actually don't make it justice cause I just got out of the pool (first time in forever - god dang it was exhausting - swimming isn't something you get better at by not doing it). But you just have to trust me when I say, I can honestly call this piece of lawn, for a hairdo. A proper hairdo. Project Hairdo, win!
ridiculously good looking,
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It was a murder in my building last night
Kinda crazy and a little scary actually. Now even though I wasn't really near the homicide itself nor even heard anything, I kinda was near fatality actually. You see, apparently the murder happened on the third floor. Our laundry room is on the third floor. Guess who was doing his laundry last night. During this time. (Rhetorical question).
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Another By Beckett logo!!
The old puppy
The new puppy. We can clearly see the color change (it's much brighter now; we like that) but also the font. Less artsy, more stylish. We like it.
As always, it's a mess creating this. But in the end, damn it's worth it.
The line between me and a really awesome designer is getting more and more blurred. Soon; vaporized. Poff. Just like that.
ridiculously good looking,
This is physically painful to watch
Australia's Next Tope Model final - announcing the winner. One will lose. One will win. But sometimes, just sometimes both win, but one lose. How can this even be possible? How can this happen. Wow.
laughing like cow,
ridiculously good looking,
M.I.A. at Terminal 5
So Tove calls me ast night and says she has a aspare ticket to M.I.A. I contemplate. Dead tired and I actually only know one song with her... Aaah fuck it. Let's go. So we go.
First up was some Rye Rye hip hip girl. She was alright, but the funniest thing was easily her three dancers. Three not too overly coordinated dudes in matching jeans and tees. Cute.
We could see much better from downstairs where Tove and I started, but Jesper insisted this was his secret place. Not convinced.
She's a crazy girl who strips during the show and has what I like to call Attack-Music. It's great. Aggressive, but niceee.
I sneaked up here to for a better view. You're welcome.
Then she invited everyone up on stage and rocked Paper Plane. A fine way to end a splendid evening.
Monday, September 27, 2010
White Trash ♡
Pablo, Karin, Alexandra, Louise, Jospephine and random dude at Pablo, Felix and Mark's partay last Friday in Williamsburg.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Yesterday we went straight to karaoke after Bessie's
King Hampus had brother Rasmus in town, so plan was to do a re-cap of, what is still one of my best nights in New York. Last summer was the first time I met them, and it was at this bar during the day and then we never parted for the evening. We ended up having a full-day of absolute madness fun. After the bar we went to a BYOB restaurant where Hampus' girlfriend, Monique + friends joined us and after that we went to karaoke. Epic shit. No one can party like the Thofte brothers. So yesterday was suppose to be the recap.
However Fredrika was having her good bye drinks at Bess, so I "had to go there" first, which was a bliss, but I was very eager to go and meet the brothers, so after a while I ninja-exited to the karaoke place without passing a club (win!). It was just grand and before we knew it the whole place was full of people, cause everyone wanted to sing and everyone did sing until the morning came. I know this cause suddenly I find myself alone on the street outside on St Marks Place wondering what the hell happened. A pizza slice (two actually) later I took a cab home. And that was that.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Watching Kate Moss (♡) in 3-D
It's much easier if you, like displayed by moi, wears the awesome 3-D goggles. Even tho it's the prettiest woman in the history of Universe, those puppies do make the experience slightly more worth it.
ridiculously good looking
I'm thinking about buying a cap
This is Ian's Mighty Ducks cap. Not sure what I would get. Probably start with a Yankees one and then escalate. Not Ducks-style, but maybe some other cool thing that shows I', so retro I could die.
ridiculously good looking
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Joaquin Phoenix comes clean
We've been waiting and wondering. Now we can feel a bit foolish for wondering.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
laughing like cow,
Big ass lightnings but no thunder
I mean it's still frickin' hot and kinda weird weather in general. We had the tornado the other week but it's also suppose to be 31°C tomorrow. Hot and thunder storms.
Note: I snapped like 40 photos to catch the lightning. Easier said than done my friend, easier said than done.
Note: I snapped like 40 photos to catch the lightning. Easier said than done my friend, easier said than done.
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