Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Waking up in a hospital

Never had surgery nor woken up in a hospital (knock on wood) but just finished 28 days + weeks later.
And it’s not the first movie it happens, but it makes me wonder every time; why would someone just pull the tubes infused to your body as a first compulsion?
Of course it t always happen when their action is legitimized* by the plot of the movie and everybody agrees with a phew.
“I’m glad he yanked those tubes out, otherwise he’d die from the infected.”
But how come no one ever does the same stunt after waken up at a car crash?
“Woo where am I? Probably a hospital, should I yank out these tubes that in all probability keeps me alive or should I call for nurse and see if she’ll explain.”

* This might be the worse example ever, I know that.

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