Monday, June 23, 2008

Two issues

It’s getting really humid now and I’m also running out of candy.
The huge fucking wall of heat, now mixed with 100% humidity hitting you every morning is getting critical.
But that’s out of my reach to handle, sweets not.
Haven’t kept up my candy-consumption as heavy as I thought, partly because it’s hard to find good candy.
I’m very picky when it comes to sweet; preferred ones so to speak.
In Hong Kong I stacked up a lot but all good things comes to an end.
My mind is now confused.
Buy new stuff or torture myself until the compulsion kills itself.
From years of devoted experience I know that the urge to inhale sugar will diminish by time.
But I've also learned I’m weak. As soon I find any new candy I know I’m gonna buy, whether I want it or not.
Just in case.

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