Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Office Scavengers

Arrived back in New York yesterday. Safe and sound. The smell of New York in the morning was fantastic. Then quickly ripped off by the airport cab (why oh why are you so damn lazy that air train, its $8 and 20 min ride wasn’t sufficient) and to the apartment (first time!*) before I headed back to work.
Had planned my opening in detail. How and what I would say was carefully thought-out. And shattered the minute I walked in as Liz, our dear receptionist wasn’t there which interrupted everything.
Nonetheless, seeing everyone was great. We hugged. Then I carefully placed myself behind my equally carefully emptied desk. There was nothing left. No computer, no monitor, no headphones, papers, pens, no nada. Gone. Caput. Like foragers they had carefully cleaned my desk for everything. Snitched and old computer but feel curious about the whereabouts of my own, old one. With all my personal stuff on. Headphones were obtained today but have installed and reinstalled Microsoft Office a couple of times now and should be running shortly. Feels great being back i the USSA.


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