Sunday, January 3, 2010

One of the most underestimated movies OF ALL TIME

A bit surprisingly for some perhaps, very expected for the rest of us. Idiocracy – Mike Judge outrageously underestimated/forgotten film, where Owen Wilson (pre-uncomfortable AT&T sell out commercials and a bit too awkwardly large body-size) is frozen in a military experiment for a full year. Things go wrong and he awakes 500 years later. When the world has gone shit-collapse and is literally/barely run by idiotic-morons as IQ level has hit rock bottom; unintentionally making Wilson's – very average – character the smartest person on earth.

Shocking how little budget it had and how little the studio supported it with no or little theatre release. Handling this outrageously funny subject (drum whirl) – that doesn’t really feel that far-fetched – with brilliance it is almost embarrassing sometimes how clever (cymbal) it is. You have to see it now. Or – since you’re smart enough to read this – you have – so see it again, idiot.

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