Sunday, February 21, 2010

Downtown exhibition

Was outrageously woken up by Tove who suggested a trip to see the Statue of Liberty was a good idea. There will be no images from that statue though.


We started at Wall Street. Tove had no idea what it was. It's just a street actually, but some people worship it.

Hello! Trump building.

The New York Stock Exchange. This is where all the complete madness goes on. You know, the crazy images you get when thinking about crazy stock people in one huge room.

Hello! George Washington.

Tove said hello.

That famous Bull near Wall Street. It was clustered by crazy Japanese people. Touching its balls was one of the highlights for them.

Crazy Japanese are so great.

Ground Zero

The Cross at Ground Zero

Then La Esquina said hello.

Hello said Chinatown

Chinese parade craziness - this sounded way louder than it looks.

Avenue of the Finest

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