Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I love them. It’s my favorite way of explaining complicating, or not so complicated things for people who don’t like to use their brains but act, as it’s all they do.
You can get anyone in the whole wide world to understand something knotty and take in something they don’t have a clue about within a split second, usually without them even noticing it.
All thanks to clichés.
Now, the tough part is to explain to someone, usually the above-mentioned party, and make him understand what I mean without giving him or her the chance to show off.
No, I really don’t like clichés. Soo worn out. Nothing new under the sun.
That’s the kind of thing they can say, and it confuses me.
They’re allowed to use clichés to describe how much they don’t like them or the usage of them?
I guess one bewildering thing for people is that they might think that I use it in the line of work I do.
Which is as weird of a conclusion as it is wrong.
Anyway the best reason why I like them is simple.
A cliché is a cliché because it’s true.

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