Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ridiculous moral fiber

Lately I’ve been giving a truly poor and unworthy character of public display. On an average, everyday, it takes about zero (0) snoozes before I’m up on my legs and ready to go out for my morning-run.
This morning it took one and a half hour more than that. With no run involved. “Needed the sleep”, I cowardly excused myself, but I feel so much more tired now than with the energizing morning-routine.
Said it before, but it can never-ever be said too many times (remember a cliché is a cliché cause it’s true – amen) – I’ve always regretted not going for a run, but never-ever regretted going for on. Ever. Shaping up is on the schedule. This time we’re not just talking about the physical part.

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