Saturday, March 27, 2010


Just found at that Brännboll is called Rounders in English. Which is fun, cause that means the Matt Damon/Edward Norton flick, Rounders, where they are poker/card game sharks, is called Brännboll in Swedish. (Now if that's not funny I don't know what is).

Anyways, soon we're off to McCarren Park in Williamsburg where beers will be drinken, laughs had, and FRIVARV made. But the most important question remains but will hopefully quickly be answered, is there extra points for catching a Fly Ball with one or two hands. This might very well be the tipping point of the game.

The dasslock, toilet-lid, or the cool bat?

MEGA UPDATE: I just discovered that Brännboll is actually called - Brännboll - in English too. Wow. See for yourself. Maybe it's kind of like Smörgåsbord.

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