Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So that’s how you do it fast!

Been running for a few years now without doing any real progress I think. Kinda like Sméagol I guess (only she went backwards in her development).
I usually lace my boots and go for my run. Cover my distance. Do my time. And then I feel quite content with myself.
And then the big races come. And I’m not that super-fast as either my teammates think (hope) but most and foremost I want.
I’m a man of ambitions and this pisses me off quite a bit.
And now, as I’m browsing through the World Wide Web looking for something entirely different, cool online marketing – I stumble across this.
This is actually something I have been reflecting for some time, long or short stride - which will make me quicker.
The answer is as simple as obvious: run with shorter stride and higher cadence.
That should do it.
Now I’m just puzzled how I’m gonna match this with my stair-running. Convert this knowledge into bodily accomplishment. Trying to squeeze in interval running in the darn stair was hard enough, now this.

Guess there’s no double-step anymore, cause I reckon that counts as a long stride.
This is from last week's running shoot, and photographer Jason Gould crawling on the ground.

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