Monday, July 20, 2009

Walking to Harlem

Oskar phoned and suggested a stroll to Harlem. Hadn’t been outside for the entre day so it seemed like a perfectly great idea. Took the subway to 14th St and 8 Av and started walking. A block away from Oskar I discovered an American Apparel store and saw a great opportunity to buy some tees and tank tops. Now, with an annoying bag tied to my wrist our real stroll began. To Harlem we yelled and prepped with water.

Even before I’ve entered the subway I knew my decision about wearing jeans was a poor one but felt stubborn* enough to continue. When we reached somewhere around 127th Street the sun was about to descend and since we were the only two white dudes we’ve seen in about 40 blocks we felt that being judgmental and returning was a wise conclusion. My polo shirt was absolutely soaked and one of my underwear-legs was firmly pulled up, annoying the hell out of me and sure to leave some sort of rash, but we were still in, what I consider, rural area and didn’t want to pull down my pants and heave them up in ghetto-public. Picture my “Handsome teen tragically gunned downed with his pants down” news-article-shot. Not so pretty.

220 blocks later we stumbled into a very cozy Italian restaurant that gave the impression of having an actual grandma hidden in the kitchen and had one of my best meals since arrival. Splendidly nice. You know you’re in for a treat when your dessert is “ravioli”. Weather was perfect and if only Oskar would have been a more attractively gorgeous person and I gay, it would have been a perfect New York evening.


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