Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No reason

The streets in Shanghai are usually very crowded; cars, bikes, mopeds, trucks, people, all wrestling their way ahead.
Forward, they cry. *
I might be silly westernized, but I’m used to follow and respect the red lights. Now, I wouldn’t go as far and say that people here don’t notice them or so.
It’s just that they don’t give a shit about them.

They also honk a lot.
More often for no other reason than the obvious need for the minutely horn-status-check.
Nighttime, you stroll the streets, and suddenly, it’s empty. No cars, you’re alone for a while. It’s quiet.
And then as a car eventually pass, he suddenly honks.
No, you're not too close, not in his way and it's not the typical; hey get into my car, cutie. More a, yep, check, still functioning.
They just honk.
Imagine those busy, busy days, when the streets are swarming with vehicles and restless drivers.
All with a ravenous urge to check their horn.

* No, they don’t.

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