Monday, May 26, 2008


I’ve mentioned the air here and the consequences to us athletes. This has led me to our hotel's gym and their treadmill.
The gym opens at 10 am.
Which is great for everyone who wants to workout before work.
Forced to aim for other options, I’ve turned right, so to speak.
I run in the stairs now.
To the top, elevator down* and all over again a few times. Up and down. Exactly as idiotic it sounds like.
But the most annoying thing is, after a while you get kinda dizzy after too many consequent-right-turns.
So I’ve developed a sharp tactic:
Gawk to your left running up. It decreases dizziness and helps you from keeping track on which floor you’re at. Persuade your brain you’re not the moron you feel like.
I’m starting to realize this is almost as focus-ensuing as running on a treadmill.

*Louise says it’s really bad for the knees to run downwards in stairs, I trust her.

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