Monday, May 4, 2009

Time sheets + Cinco del Mayo

I thought I had managed to escape the horror. And then with a simple tap on your shoulder it emerges from the hidden links of internet. "Don't forget to fill our your time reports", the kind voice says and you immediately smile and reply "of course not!" But lets be honest. Or at least allow me to be frank. There are few things I hate more than filling out these time sheets. The reflection of the work I’ve done condensed to some unsystematic digits on an online form. How am I supposed to know what I worked on last, say, Tuesday? It’s almost unethical to ask that nonetheless remember it. But that’s how it works. So I do it. Targeting to avoid total failure rather than aim to get the exact right amount of hours*.

And that’s why we’re very happy to have something coming up tomorrow that helps remove the uncomfortable thoughts on time issues and what brings us to: Cinco del Mayo. Apparently some fêted Mexican festive holiday. Heard about it a lot but never grasped it. Always felt more of a tale-word than an actual event. So how will this be celebrated? Going to a German restaurant of course. Oskar set the whole thing up and I can’t say I have much better options/suggestions, so I’ll continue to go with the flow. Hopefully they’ll have something similar to Corona so I can at least give toast in respect of Mexico.

*Anyone from work reading this - I'm lying. Ha ha. "Oh, that funny guy christian, always exaggerating a good portion when talking, amuses me every time."

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