Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lé Swine flu?

Feel that I’ve totally missed the whole thing about the darn swine flu. Know it’s been in the publications and people’s concerns for some time, but some things just don’t fully catch my attention. It bores me. And it seems like a hoax of some kind.
“Tell that to the poor souls who has died, you fuck!”
someone yells and catches some bacteria while keeping their mouth open too long. Plus it’s probably just the medical companies way of selling more disinfection-products.

Which brings us to the gel. At work I’ve noticed a new bottle on the sink. A transparent one. With a gel-like liquid inside. It reads: “Hand disinfection gel” and it is self-absorbent. We obviously love it and find all the excuses in the world to over-use it. A lot. Drinking coffee in order to pee like an idiot. Hands feel so refreshed and revitalized it’s just simply, quite amazing. Nothing bad that doesn’t bring goods.

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